
Transparent Pricing that Works for You



Ideal for those starting out in the digital storefront arena – a cost-effective way to launch your web-store!



Ideal for multi-year projects and growing communities, offering a one-time payment for lifelong access to all Plus benefits. A seamless solution for sustained excellence and growth.


Starting at €1.99

Tailor Your Experience! Pay for what you use, billed monthly, cancel anytime. Select only the features you need and create a plan that's perfect for you. With flexible pricing, you're in control.



Tailored for flexibility and adaptability, the Monthly Plus Plan is perfect for evolving community needs. Enjoy robust features and support that scale with your growth each month

Most Popular Features

Discover why these are the top choices for gaming websites like yours.

Store System Free

Elevate your online sales with a comprehensive store platform.

Sidebars module Free

Display key information on your website's sidebar for easy access and visibility.

SEO Optimization Free

Enhance your website's visibility with our SEO Optimization tools, designed to improve search engine rankings.

Custom favicon Free

Custom Favicon

Advanced User Profiles Free

Elevate user engagement with detailed profiles.

Secure Team Management Free

Safeguard your team's collaboration with enhanced security features.

SSL and TLS encryption Free

Secure your website with SSL and TLS encryption, ensuring data protection and trust from your visitors.

Free subdomain Free

Utilize a provided subdomain to launch your website instantly, offering a credible and hassle-free setup.

Using custom domain Free

Customize your website's identity with your own domain, offering a unique and professional web presence.

Server Integrations Free

Leverage our Server Integration systems to seamlessly connect your website with game servers for real-time data and interactions.

Discord Integrations Free

Seamlessly connect your website with Discord to enhance community interaction and engagement.

Unique Discord Notifications Free

Keep your community updated with tailored Discord alerts.

Steam Integration Free

Seamlessly connect your website with Steam to enhance community interaction and engagement.

Store Coupons Premium

Encourage purchases with special coupon codes.

Store Vouchers Premium

Offer exclusive deals with redeemable vouchers.

Store Discounts Premium

Boost sales with enticing discount options.

Affiliate System Premium

Boost revenue with our Affiliate System, rewarding users for referrals directly through your website.

Forms module Premium

Streamline feedback and inquiries with customizable forms, making it simple to gather valuable user input.

Resources module Premium

Upload and offer downloadable resources to your community, with options for both free and paid content, directly through your website.

Forum module Premium

Foster vibrant discussions and build a strong community on your website with easy-to-use forums.

Upselling Products Module Premium

Display products on your homepage or checkout to let users easily add more to their cart.

Wiki Module Premium

Craft detailed documentation to showcase your community's ethos, guidelines, and highlights.

Servers List Premium

Show your game servers on home page or special server page.

Custom email server Premium

Configure your preferred SMTP server for sending emails to enhance communication reliability.

HTML/CSS editor Premium

Make your own website design with our easy-to-use HTML Editor.

Themes Premium

Refresh your site's look effortlessly with our selection of ready-to-use themes.

Ticket System Premium

Streamline support with an organized ticketing solution.

Custom Pages Premium

Create custom pages on your website with ease, tailoring content and layout to fit your unique needs.

Punishments Interface Premium

Show server actions (bans, mutes, kicks) on your site via the Punishments Interface, using data from database.

Voting Interface Premium

Display voting links for your server and real-time game stats to engage your players directly on your site.

Leaderboards Interface Premium

Use the Leaderboards Interface to display real-time stats from your database. Go to 'Integrations > [Game] > Plugins' to choose a plugin and customize your leaderboard display

Any questions? Just ask!
See frequently asked questions

Still have unanswered questions?

Automatic payments are enabled only for subscribers of our Custom Plan, allowing them to choose and customize features according to their needs. All payments are securely processed through Stripe, ensuring a seamless and secure transaction process.

If you forgot to pay for your website plan. Your website will lose all its privileges for the given plan, such as modules, integrations, etc. Your website will not be deleted, it will be set to `Free` plan.

Please note that items from modules you have created will not be removed, just disabled.

If you are not familiar with using CSS and/or HTML, we recommend that you learn them or contact a professional developer to do the work for you. We'd love to help our awesome customers create their own themes and templates, but there can be many different reasons why something doesn't work as it should, and unfortunately we can't put our free time into maintaining it.

Every customer of one of our partners receives a free trial period of our Plus plan. For this purpose, you must have purchased a service from one of our partners Please note that each customer of our partner can receive only one voucher.

We would be happy to support a developer who wants to develop designs, plugins, etc. for our platform. That's why we give our Plus plan free for such things. Terms of use apply.

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Ready to get started?

Organize your website with a 14-days trial of our Plus plan!

No subscriptions. No annual fees
